Sunday, 26 April 2009

A Compost Primer.

Here are 10 ideas that will not cost anything. There are some different stories of what to do and each person will find the way that suits them. These are excellent for keeping the moisture in the soil, so just spread them round the base of plants and fruit trees to regulate the temperature of the ground. Get a pen and make some holes in the base of the tray for drainage. Thrown-out carpets, old card boxes, and other bits and bobs can be put over the plant plot in Autumn to stop those early spring weeds from coming up. Spread over the entire area and weigh down with rocks, lift off on a bright spring day some days before you would like to work on it. After cleaning the jars, guarantee they are fully dry by popping them into a warm stove before storing your seeds.

Good, organic compost can cure just about any problem you have with your soil. If you soil is too acidic, adding compost will help neutralise it and bring it back to a correct pH level. If you live in an area with lots of heavy clay, adding compost will help loosen and aerate the soil. If you live in a coastal or southern area with lots of sand, adding compost will help bind it together. So how does one make compost? It's less complicated than you can imagine and cheaper than the rest you will do. It did not get that way from manure or fertilizer. This compost feeds the living trees and other plants providing nutrients that rival the best manure. Try and collect dark colored jars, or wrap paper around clear jars to stop light damage to the seeds. String along with cotton to make a bird scarer and put on fruit bushes before the birds start chewing on the fruit.

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