Sunday, 1 March 2009

Does your Water Supply contain Drugs or Poisons.

There may be drugs which could react negatively with substances that you are now taking, the list of pollutants in water supplies appear to be growing all the time. A few analysts agree the concentration of antibiotics in our water supply is presently one thousand times higher than it was in 1997, High enough to cause the mutation of e-coli bacteria in to strains that are resistant to the standard antibiotics, this has happened in the U. S. And somewhere else.

When e-coli was first found at water treatment plants, Time Mag cover, portrayed e-coli running out of a kitchen tap or tap, it's also been found in swimming pools.

A heavy threat to public health could develop if the e-coli became resistant to most antibiotics thru mutation. If your immunity mechanism is functioning efficiently, you may stand a decent chance. This installment is about a poison that got lots of attention in Hollywood. My guest today in my target poisonous water can simply say, and with confidence, that it owes all of its success and great notice to one small Hollywood picture. The film publicized the chromium six poisoning of Hinkley, California by the strong and successful PG and E Firm , which at last ended in an Oscar win for Julia Roberts, and the highlighting of a growing concern over poisonous chemical plants and their poisoning of public drinking water. Chromium-6 is a derivative of metal plating and is classified as a carcinogen when breathed as particles or fumes. When chromium-6 gets into water, the effects are similarly as damaging. Out of 1,591 Countrywide Priority List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ), 1,036 were found to possess chromium-6 in them. Proof of pollution in the water supply is everywhere, a scientist discovered in Lake Mead, which supplies southern Nevada and northern Mexico the water contained so much estrogen ; it was causing male fish to supply female egg protein. It was also found extra cases of medicine resistant bacteria are continually being reported.

The Health Secret of the Himalayas.

Have lots more info all about GMO

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